7.2 Simple Redis Commands
Let's start practicing using the redis key-value store from our node application.
Task 1:
Require the
Task 2:
Create a
Task 3:
On the
```js var redis = require('redis'); var client = redis.createClient(); client.set('name', 'Answer'); ```
7.3 Get A Key
We have already stored a value in the question key. Use the redis client to issue a
Task 1:
Use the redis client to issue a
Task 2:
Log the value retrieved with
```js var redis = require('redis'); var client = redis.createClient(); client.get('question', function(err, data){ console.log(data); }); ```
7.4 Working With Lists 1
As we saw in the video, redis can do more than just simple key-value pairs. We are going to be using redis' LISTS later to add persistence to our live-moderation app, so let's practice using them now.
Task 1:
Using the redis client's
Task 2:
Using the redis client's
```js var redis = require('redis'); var client = redis.createClient(); var question1 = "Where is the dog?"; var question2 = "Where is the cat?"; client.lpush('questions', question1, function(err, data){ console.log(data); }); client.lpush('questions', question2, function(err, data){ console.log(data); }); ```
7.5 Working With Lists 2
Now that we have seeded the
Task 1:
Use the
Task 2:
Now that we have called
```js var redis = require('redis'); var client = redis.createClient(); client.lrange('questions', 0, -1, function(err, data){ console.log(data); }); ```
7.6 Persisting Questions
Let's go back to our live-moderation app and add some persistence, first to the questions people ask.
Use the
```js var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var server = require('http').createServer(app); var socket = require('socket.io'); var io = socket.listen(server); var redis = require('redis'); var redisClient = redis.createClient(); io.sockets.on('connection', function(client) { client.on('answer', function(question, answer) { client.broadcast.emit('answer', question, answer); }); client.on('question', function(question) { if(!client.question_asked) { client.question_asked = true; client.broadcast.emit('question', question); redisClient.lpush('questions', question); } }); }); ```
7.7 Emitting Stored Questions
Now that we have questions stored in redis, let's emit them whenever a new client connects to the server through socket.io.
Task 1:
Use the
Task 2:
Inside of the
```js var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var server = require('http').createServer(app); var io = require('socket.io').listen(server); var redis = require('redis'); var redisClient = redis.createClient(); io.sockets.on('connection', function(client) { redisClient.lrange('questions', 0, -1, function(err, questions){ questions.forEach(function(question){ client.emit("question", question); }); }); client.on('answer', function(question, answer) { client.broadcast.emit('answer', question, answer); }); client.on('question', function(question) { if(!client.question_asked) { client.question_asked = true; client.broadcast.emit('question', question); redisClient.lpush("questions", question); } }); }); ```
7.8 Limiting Questions Stored
Great work! One last thing though, since every time a new question comes in we store it in the questions list, we might run into a problem where there are just too many questions stored in that list.
Task 1:
Add a callback to
Task 2:
Use the
```js var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var server = require('http').createServer(app); var io = require('socket.io').listen(server); var redis = require('redis'); var redisClient = redis.createClient(); io.sockets.on('connection', function(client) { redisClient.lrange("questions", 0, -1, function(err, questions) { questions.forEach(function(question) { client.emit("question", question); }); }); client.on('answer', function(question, answer) { client.broadcast.emit('answer', question, answer); }); client.on('question', function(question) { if(!client.question_asked) { client.question_asked = true; client.broadcast.emit('question', question); redisClient.lpush("questions", question, function(){ redisClient.ltrim('questions', 0, 19); }); } }); }); ```